JavaScript Double Exclamation Mark

This tutorial will explain everything you need to know about the double exclamation mark in JavaScript, how it works, why we use it, its purpose, and its benefits.

What is Double Exclamation Mark in JavaScript?

In simple words, the double exclamation mark (!!) in JavaScript is a shorthand method to convert any value into either true or false. It helps make the boolean nature of a value explicit. We also call it a “double negation” or “double bang” operator.

By applying the double exclamation mark to a value, it negates the negation of that value, resulting in a boolean representation of true or false. It reverses the value of a single exclamation mark (“!”) (a logical “not” operator in JavaScript). In fact, it is a logical not-operator used two times.

How Double Exclamation Mark Works?

The double exclamation mark (!!) in JavaScript works as a type conversion operator, that converts a value to its corresponding boolean representation. Let’s explore how it works with some code examples:

Example 1: Converting Truthy and Falsy Values

let num = 42;
let boolValue = !!num; // true

let str = "";
let boolValue2 = !!str; // false

let obj = {};
let boolValue3 = !!obj; // true

In the above example, the double exclamation mark is applied to different values. The variable num holds the number 42, which is considered a “truthy” value. The double exclamation mark converts it to the boolean value true. The variable str is an empty string, which is a “falsy” value, so it converts it to the boolean value false. Lastly, the variable obj holds an empty object, which is a “truthy” value, so the double exclamation mark converts it to true.

Tip: Here is the tutorial to learn more about truthy and falsy values in JavaScript.

Example 2: Converting Non-Boolean Values

let value1 = 0;
let bool1 = !!value1; // false

let value2 = "Hello";
let bool2 = !!value2; // true

let value3 = null;
let bool3 = !!value3; // false

The above code example converts various non-boolean values using the JavaScript double exclamation mark. The value 0 is a “falsy” value, so it is converted to false. The string "Hello" is a non-empty string and is considered a “truthy” value, so it is converted to true. The value null is a “falsy” value, so it is converted to false.

Example 3: Using !! in Conditional Statements

let name = "John";
if (!!name) {
  console.log("Name is provided.");
} else {
  console.log("Name is not provided.");

In this example, the condition !!name is used directly within a if statement. The double exclamation mark converts the name variable to its boolean equivalent. If name is a non-empty string (a “truthy” value), the condition evaluates to true, and the message “Name is provided.” is logged. Otherwise, if name is an empty string or any other “falsy” value, the condition evaluates to false, and the message “Name is not provided.” is logged.

The double exclamation mark is a concise and explicit way to convert a value to its boolean representation in JavaScript. It emphasizes the true or false state of a value, aiding in code readability and conveying the intention of the code.

In JavaScript, the double exclamation mark has the same syntax as the single exclamation mark but there is a big difference in their functionality. Let’s see the difference.

Single (!) vs. Double (!!) Exclamation Mark

The main difference between the single exclamation mark (!) and the double exclamation mark (!!) in JavaScript lies in their functionality and purpose. A double exclamation mark in JavaScript does the exact opposite of a single exclamation mark.

The single exclamation mark is the logical negation operator in JavaScript. It negates the truthiness or falseness of a value.

  • Example: let value = true; let negatedValue = !value; // negatedValue = false

While we use the double exclamation mark as a type conversion operator to explicitly convert a value to its corresponding boolean representation.

  • Example: let value = 42; let booleanValue = !!value; // booleanValue = true

Benefits of using Double Exclamation Mark

Here are the various benefits of using the double exclamation mark in JavaScript:

  1. Explicit boolean conversion.
  2. Improved code readability and intention.
  3. Emphasizes truthiness and falseness of values.
  4. Simplifies conditional statements.
  5. Compatibility with other programming languages.
  6. Widely used and familiar in the JavaScript community.


The double exclamation mark (!!) in JavaScript serves as a type conversion operator, explicitly converting a value to its corresponding boolean representation. It simplifies conditional statements. We also use it to convert values of different types, such as numbers, strings, and objects, to booleans, simplifying comparisons and logical operations.

Hope you have understood how JavaScript double exclamation mark works. If you have questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below.

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