How to Check if Variable is a String in JavaScript

How to Check if Variable is a String in JavaScript

In JavaScript, we have several different methods to identify a string. This tutorial will teach you all the methods to check if a variable is a string in JavaScript. So, let’s see them one by one.

How to Check if a Variable is a String in JavaScript

Method 1: Use typeof Operator

The typeof is the operator that allows us to determine the type of value that a variable holds. It returns the string that represents the data type of the operand.

The below syntax shows how to use the typeof operator to check if a JavaScript variable is a string or not.

    // this is a variable named country
    var country = "United States";
    // this will check if a variable is a string and return output
    document.write(typeof country);

The code will output the data type on the screen as shown below.

variable is string in JavaScript

Let’s see another example which is a number instead of a string and let’s see what happens.

    // this is a variable named age
    var age = 36;
    // this code will check if a variable is a string or number and return output
    document.write(typeof age);

Now, if you see the output below it shows the data type number means it’s working.

variable is number in JavaScript

Code Explanation:

  • In the above code, I just used two statements, first I created a variable with the keyword var and named it country or age, and provide the value.
  • Then, I used a document.write() method with typeof the operator and variable name to check if the variable is a string in JavaScript.

Furthermore, you can use an if-else conditional statement to check if a variable is a string. The following code will do it.

    // this is a variable
    var myname = "zeeshan";
    // this code will check if a variable is a string and return output
    if(typeof(myname) === 'string'){
        document.write('The variable is a string');
    } else {
        document.write('The variable is not a string');

This first method is pretty simple, let’s see the second one.

Method 2: Use instanceof Operator

The instanceof the operator is used to check if an object belongs to a specific class or constructor. And in JavaScript, strings are considered objects. So, this is also an effective way to check if a variable is a string in JavaScript.

The following code syntax is showing how to use instanceof operator.

    // this is a variable
    var myname = new String('zeeshan');
    // this code will check if a variable is a string and return output
    if(myname instanceof String){
        document.write('The variable is a string');
    } else {
        document.write('The variable is not a string');


check variable is string

Code Explanation:

  • First, I create a variable with the name ‘myname‘. I used the new string() method to create a variable.
  • Then, I used the if-else conditional statements to check if the variable is a string or not. In this statement, I used two strings that will show if the condition gets true or false.

That’s it. So this is how you can check if a variable is a string in JavaScript. If you have any questions then feel free to check in the comments section below.

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