Are you finding a way to add an image in anĀ HTML table cell? Images are very useful to create a visual representation of data in a table. And this tutorial will show you how to add images in table cells using HTML.

The HTML table with images that weā€™re going to create in this tutorial will look something like this below at the end.

Image in Table HTML

Letā€™s see how I did this.

Adding Image in HTML Table Cell

TheĀ <img>Ā tag is used inside the pair ofĀ <td>Ā tags to display an image inside a table cell in HTML. And inside the <img> tag, we use theĀ srcĀ attribute to specify the image path where the image is located on the system. And also theĀ altĀ attribute, which displays text in the browser if the image is not found in the specified path.

The basic Syntax to add an image in an HTML table cell is shown below:

ā†’ index.html
 <td> <img src="image.jpg" alt="image_text"> </td>

Donā€™t forget to replaceĀ image.jpgĀ with your real image name in file format. Plus,Ā .jpgĀ is the image file format that is crucial to specify. You can check your image file format in the properties of your image.

Also, for more information about this, you can check out this tutorial aboutĀ how to add images in HTML from the folder.

The below HTML table code will add 4 images in the second column cells. The table consists of 5 rows and 3 columns.

ā†’ index.html
 <!-- Table with Images -->
<table width="50%">
        <td><img src="tiger.jpg" alt="Tiger" width="100px"></td>
        <td><img src="eagle.jpg" alt="Tiger" width="100px"></td>
        <td><img src="rabbit.jpg" alt="Tiger" width="100px"></td>
        <td><img src="parrot.jpg" alt="Tiger" width="100px"></td>

HTML Code Explanation:

  • TheĀ <table>Ā tags are used to specify a table in HTML.
  • TheĀ <tr>Ā tags define rows andĀ <td>Ā tags specify each cell in the HTML table row.
  • In the secondĀ <td>Ā element of each row, I used theĀ <img>Ā tag to insert the image in a table cell. Inside the <img> tag, I also used the HTML width attribute to fit an image in a table cell in HTML. The images I embedded in table cells were 600px by 600px in size, so I changed them to 100px wide using theĀ widthĀ attribute.

Tip:Ā If you donā€™t know how to create a table in HTML, then you can check out this detailed tutorial aboutĀ HTML tables with examples.

You can copy and paste the above HTML code into your text editor and run it in your browser. The code output will look like this below.

html table with images

The above output is very simple and doesnā€™t have any styling like borders, padding, and spacing. Letā€™s add some CSS.

CSS to Style Table

ā†’ index.html
    table, tr, th, td{
        border: 2px solid black;
        border-collapse: collapse;
        padding: 8px;
        text-align: center;
        background-color: #f5f5f5;

CSS Code Explanation:

  • I usedĀ table, tr, td,Ā andĀ thĀ element selectors to access these elements in CSS to add some styles to the table.
  • Then, I specified the shorthand border property and set its values to give our table a border of 2 pixels, solid weight, and black color.
  • TheĀ border-collapseĀ property is used to collapse the borders while the text-align property aligns the content of the cells in the center of the HTML table.
  • TheĀ paddingĀ property specifies 8 pixels of spacing around the cellā€™s content like text and images.
  • Last of all, I used theĀ background-colorĀ property to set it to gray for the table header which isĀ <th>Ā elements.

Here below is the output of the HTML table with images.

image in table cell html

Best Practices to Add Images in HTML Table

Here are a few points to remember when adding an image to the HTML table.

  • First of all, use optimized images to prevent HTML pages from slow loading. The image youā€™re going to use might be high in size, so you have to check the size and reduce the size of images using an online tool likeĀ TinyPNGĀ that compresses image sizes without affecting the image quality. The ideal size for images is less than 200 Kb.
  • Also, crop your image to the required cell size. For example, in the above code, I used 100px wide images in table cells and the real image sizes were 600px by 600px in width and height. So, itā€™s better to crop the images before using them. You can use Photoshop to crop your images.

Thatā€™s all. Now, you know how to add images in HTML table cells.